Hey guys!
Legion is right around the corner, and as such we've been taking a hard look at how we service the WoW community. The security of your information is very important to us, so we're taking a proactive step to help protect the information you've trusted us with.
Effective today, the current forums for CurseForge and WowAce have been switched to read-only mode, and new forums are now available at https://www.curseforge.com/forums to continue discussions. Unfortunately, we're not able to import the old posts just yet, but we'll be tackling this as soon as possible.
We hope this is not too disruptive, and we're sorry we couldn't give more of a heads up.
Thanks, Zeldo
Truly don't care for the new discussions template and all white foundation. I'm trusting somebody made a custom css that makes it resemble the Wow-expert gatherings. On the off chance that you could design the Do my Research Paper dialect changer module however all a similar you have benefited a vocation. If it's not too much trouble recall to switch it over in the long run.
As nice blog,but you could have made this blog awriter.org more cool if you could configure the language changer pluigin but all the same you have done a good job
Yes white background is not good.:(
I suppose we should expect some level of consolidation with Amaz.. er "Twitch" taking over Curse, but this is a bad way to implement it. You've left authors with no way to edit their threads (threads that have existed for years) or even leave a redirection link to a new "official" thread for their add-on(s), assuming that these new threads would even persist. Not to mention the inevitable loss of post history, etc.
And frankly, with no updates on the release of the "beta" sites, it seems to be jumping the gun a bit. :p
Honestly don't like the new forums style sheet and all white background. I'm hoping someone made a custom css that makes it look like the WowAce forums
The Link in the WoWAce top nav bar still goes to the old ones as of now. Please remember to switch it over eventually. :)